The Blog of the Frances Perkins Center

Posts Tagged ‘John Sweeney’

Kirstin Downey and the AFL-CIO celebrate Frances Perkins

In Events on March 31, 2009 at 7:17 am

This short video, produced by the Machinists News Network, captures the presentation last Wednesday at the AFL-CIO.

Frances Perkins and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

In Biography on March 25, 2009 at 9:26 pm

I’m in Washington this week and looking forward to a presentation this noon at the AFL-CIO with Perkins biographer Kirstin Downey and AFL-CIO chief John Sweeney.

Kirstin Downey speaking at the AFL-CIO.

Kirstin Downey speaking at the AFL-CIO.

The event commemorates the 98th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, which Perkins witnessed. The horror of it galvanized her, leading to her lifelong passion for safe workplace conditions.

Another great treat this noon will be the songs of Annie Schneiderman Valliere, the great niece of Rose Schneiderman, who helped to found the International Ladies Garment Workers Union after the fire and led the union’s 1913 strike.

I also have a short audio clip that I’ll post as soon as I figure out how to do it!

UPDATE: For a great description of the event, visit the AFL-CIO Now blog.

Annie Valliere singing great union organizing songs at the AFL-CIO event.

Annie Valliere singing great union organizing songs at the AFL-CIO event.